Used Baby Gear

Before pregnancy, I had a huge, extensively researched list of all of the best baby gear. I inputed 3 years of reading DaddyTypes, the whole Baby Bargains books, and thousands of lists and reviews to come up with the list to end all lists.

Then we got pregnant, and the stuff started rolling in. The complete 0-12 month dress wardrobe that I wore as a baby, plus my nursery curtains, found in my parent’s attic.  The family heirloom bassinet and hand-crocheted blankets from Grandma’s store room. A big box of onesies and hats from my mom’s co-worker, who I’ve never met. A bag of crib sheets, mattress pads, and waterproof pads from a coworker. A sling, several hats and coats, baby tights, a monitor, and a pull toy  from the neighbors. Somewhere in there we’ve collected enough booties, cloth bibs, and bonnets for twins.

There have already been a few new gifts, too, though the shower is still months away. There’s also the inevitable find — like the $8 Boppy w/ detachable play gym (new in box!) I spotted at the thrift store. And the universal carseat stroller frame found in perfect condition in a neighbor’s curbside pile.

My rules (so far) for accepting used baby gear:

no carseats (always buy the latest and best-rated model, you can’t be sure others have never been in an accident)

no breast pumps (milk gets into the machinery) or bottle nipples/teethers/pacifiers (always buy these new)

no used crib mattresses (higher rate of SIDS with a used mattress)
no cribs with widely spaced slats or broken parts

nothing that’s not either new-in-the-package or in very good condition from a trusted source…

…unless it’s an awesome thrifting or ebay find that can be easily be sanitized.

Finally (and most controversially), I’m not interested in keeping a 20-tab spreadsheet of items that people have “temporarily loaned” us until they have another kid.  Don’t take items that your friends aren’t really, truly done with unless you want to transition your 12-month-old out of his beloved crib because the original owner needs it back.

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