
“The Ever More Carefully Arranged, Artfully Blueprinted, Technologically Devised, Painstakingly Organized American Childhood.”– NYTimes Magazine cover story, Sunday, November 28, 2004

If you’re a parent (or about to be), you know the drill: 95% of the avaliable baby products are shoddily-made, ugly, overly cutesy, offensive, and/or mass produced in China. In the last three years there’s been an explosion of designer-parents who set out “to change all of that,” and create some decent, cleanly-designed product. Of course, 95% of that crowd’s output is hideously expensive. HighTechBaby aims to finds the best baby stuff for parents who are as morally opposed to $900 strollers as they are to bunnies-and-bears covered nursery schlock.

It’s also freakishly hard for regular folks to find solid, up-to-date medical advice — the kind that’s backed by actual evidence. So I’m also aggregating recent studies about sleep, pacifiers, and other hot topics that you care about. And finding ideas for early education/stimulation that don’t involve “Baby Einstein.”

I’ll also blog about the technology and gear that are changing the way we raise children. An online contraction timer? Sleep-tracking software? A lullaby playlist for the iPod? Wirelessly updating your baby blog from the delivery room? Bring it on.


Atlantic article on Extreme Parenting (and the Baby Genius Edutainment Complex)

The American Association of Pediatrics (AAP) has it’s detractors, but their website is rich in parenting research, often with links to orginal studies.

One Response to “About”

  1. Melanie Cowherd Says:


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